​ All About
All About Destinations offers destination tours and truly customized group travel opportunities.
Expert group travel management since 2004.
Group travel is the best way to
see the world on a budget!
Travel Tools and Forms
All About Destinations, LLC customizes all-inclusive, comprehensive (all tour components including: transportation, lodging, meals, attractions, insurance, etc.), multi-day tour packages for groups with a minimum of 20 Paid Passengers (full fare paying passengers) to anywhere within the United States and the world. AAD does not offer motor-coach only charter services.
Please submit a Tour Request Form (see form to the right) to receive a customized tour proposal. Tour packages are customized based on the specific needs, interests, budget, educational requirements (school groups) etc. of the group so be sure to be as detailed as possible. Upon receipt of your Tour Request Form you will be contacted by an All About Destinations representative.
Downloadable Forms
Sample Itinerarires
Orlando, FL (high school band)
Chicago, IL (senior center group)
New York City, NY (middle school show choir)
U.S. Government Travel Information
U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Passport Information and Forms
Traveler's Health - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Foreign Tourism Information
Argentina National Secretary of Tourism - www.turismo.gov.ar
Austraulian Tourist Commision - www.australia.com
Austrian National Tourist Office - www.austria.info
Belgian National Tourist Office - www.visitbelgium.com
British Tourist Authority - www.visitbritain.com
Chilean Tourism Promotion Corporation - www.visit-chile.org
China National Tourist Office - www.cnto.org
Costa Rica - www.costarica.tourism.co.cr
Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs - www.czech.cz
Ecuador Ministry of Tourism - www.ecuador.travel/en
Egyptian Tourist Authority - www.egypttourism.org
French Government Tourist Office - www.francetourism.com
German National Tourist Office - www.germany-tourism.de
Greece Tourist Board - www.visitgreece.gr
Irish Tourist Board - www.ireland.ie
Italian Tourist Office - www.italiantourism.com
Japan National Tourist Organization - www.jnto.go.jp
Mexico Tourism Board - www.visitmexico.com
Netherlands Board of Tourism - www.goholland.com
New Zealand Tourism - www.newzealand.com
Peru National Tourist Office - www.peru.info/peru.asp
Polish National Tourist Office - www.polandtour.org
Portugese National Tourist Office - www.portugal.org
Spanish Tourist Office - www.okspain.org
Swiss National Tourist Office - www.myswitzerland.com
Thailand Tourism Authority - www.tourismthailand.org
Travel Reference Websites
World Travel Guide - www.worldtravelguide.net
The Travel Channel - www.travelchannel.com
Universal Currency Converter - www.xe.com/ucc
Travel Languages - www.travlang.com
The Travel Channel - www.travelchannel.com
The Weather Channel - www.weather.com
World Travel Guide - www.worldtravelguide.net
Fodor's Travel Online - www.fodors.com
Time Zone and Date Information - www.timeanddate.com